Things I Didn’t Know Until I Was Smack Dab In The Middle of It
I had never been hospitalized overnight before my mastectomy and I prepared to take leave of my usual “independent woman” routine when I returned home to recover.
My neighbor lovingly volunteered to help care for my little dog, and I had a wonderful group of friends and coworkers at the ready for any errands I might need run. I was well stocked with groceries and toiletries, and I had amassed an impressive “must watch” list on Amazon and Netflix.
I found an ABUNDANCE of helpful information available on the subject of what to do or what to expect post-mastectomy. The following are some of the things I found helpful and beneficial on my own road of recovery, most of which can be purchased online through Amazon, Target or other e-commerce retail sites.
Prop Up the Wings
I have to thank my aunt who knew about this from someone else. She gave me two small, travel size or lumbar size, pillows which I used to prop under each arm when I was sleeping or sitting on the couch. I didn’t have room for a rental recliner, which can be the more comfortable way to sleep upright. The pillows worked beautifully, and unlike a piece of furniture, I was able to take them with me from bedroom to living room. The ones my aunt gave me were foam-filled, had removable/washable covers, and were easy to tuck into a comfortable position. I found using them helped to alleviate some of the soreness I had in my chest.
A Maxi-dress Hides Everything
And there was a lot going on to cover comfortably. Unlike the prospect of purchasing front closure nightgowns or housecoats to wear during my recovery, I found that stepping into the balloon-like garment was a breeze, and it was something I could wear out when I needed to go for follow-up appointments. After I recovered, they stayed as part of my wardrobe too.
A Spatula Can Help Compensate for T-Rex Arms
I had read in several places; “you will have limited range of motion in your arms while you are healing from your mastectomy, embrace the temporary concept of t-rex arms.” I took the steps of making sure things I needed to grab were within easy reach and elbow-high prior to surgery. However, I found a wooden flat edge spatula was great help to access things that had gotten pushed a little too far out of reach. Unlike the “Reachers and Grabbers” sold as home health aides, the spatula was small enough and light enough to easily navigate the coffee creamer on the top shelf of the refrigerator and the eye drops in the medicine cabinet.
Nipple Petals Are a Godsend
In addition to having implants that are always “cool” to the touch, I have no awareness of the sensation in my nipples. Subsequently, there are times when the headlights are on, but I wouldn’t necessarily know it. The reusable silicone versions work best, and I wear them in addition to my bra to give my clothing a smooth look.
Managing Surgical Drains
There are garments designed with interior pockets to hold the bulb of your surgical drain, and there are surgeons who absolutely do NOT want you using those garments. I found that by tucking the bulb of my surgical drain into the hip of my underwear waistband, the tubes on the drains laid flush against my body and were less likely to get tugged when I was moving around. I also kept a lanyard with a large safety pin hanging on my bathroom door so I could easily secure the drain bulbs around my neck when using the bathroom or showering.
Donate the Under-wires
There are so many retailers that sell “wireless” options and this will be your best bet once you are post-recovery and back to wearing something other than surgical garments. I found the longer body athletic bras to be really comfortable for around the house, and also purchased new no-wire designs for everyday wear.
Getting Your Upper-body Strength Back
I was completely unprepared for how much upper-body strength I lost after my double mastectomy. I was eight weeks along in the healing process when I made a trip to Palm Springs to celebrate a friend’s birthday and found I could not push myself up onto the edge of the pool to get out. With the blessing of my plastic surgeon, I was able to find a Medical Exercise Specialist at a local gym. Unlike a personal trainer, Medical Exercise Specialists have the added skills allowing them to help clients make the transition from medical management and/or physical therapy to a regular physical activity program following a surgery, an injury or exacerbation of a pre-existing condition. I worked with her after my mastectomy and prior to my implant reconstruction, and again after I had healed from that procedure, as well as before and after fat grafting. She worked within the limitations given by my surgeon, and helped me build back my strength. Should the opportunity present itself, I am confident that I will have no problems conquering the edge of the pool.